comfort food!!!
Nothing beats M&Ms Peanut Butter!!!! Too bad they can't be found back home...but then again nothing feels more exciting savouring things you can't access easily....the shiok-ness to taste it once in a blue moon. Think Krispy Kreme!! Gosh missign it now!
I'm hoping Lou will be nice enough to pack a big packet of M&Ms peanut butter for me from States.
Chicken in a Biscuit is not too bad but nothing still beats Arnotts Shapes Bacon and Cheese which I can't even find it in SG.
Did you guys know that you can find Tim Tams (manufactured in Australia) in selected supermarket? *grinz* No more bugging frens to tapau it back. current obsession..... Cowhead!! Milk and Chocolate flavour.

My ankle tattoo is healing purrfectly! slightly lighter than you seen below of cuz, and teeny weeny bit of ink migration...nevertheless...still looking clear as before. Foot tattoo damn high maintenence. The after care really kills you. The amount of peeling which made me paranoid like mad thinking it will jus fade off. Lots my strappy shoes were negleted cuz to avoid rubbing against my tatt. The healing is far more slower than a normal tatt. Will love to drop by SG again to say hello to Oliver to touch up my tattoo again...means another round of suffering.... O_o
Am planning for another design for my next tattooo......thinking of my wrist.. *grinz*
At Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:06:00 AM,
fanny tan said…
irene..whats your msn ?
At Saturday, June 02, 2007 12:48:00 PM,
Diary of Kay El said…
Yo woman...Just bought Australian made Tim Tams from Ikano's COld Storage..They have classice and Dbl dip version fm OZ. There rest are Indonesian made. Just take a peek at cold storages. ciao.
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