SG Part 1 -Tattoos
We've been meaning to get ourself ink for quite a while but few fear we have in our mi nd.....PAIN and NO GUTS! Afterall we got ourself equipt our design with us to SG just in case we decided to be gung hole and got ourself ink..... which We did!!!
Our first initial plan was to CHECKED out the parlour and ENQUIRE in terms of price and all.... As was about to reach the place, our heart pumping a wee bit faster than usual cuz of the needle drill....
That reminise back my time when i did mine 5-6 years back in SG Wang. I was in the tattoo parlour for freaking 2 hours deciding whether to get myself ink or not....
Back to SG, after talking to to Oliver (our tattooist) we decided to do it on spot...

Oliver at work....
I've been through jellyfish sting, slashes on my upper wrist, getting joss-stick burn on my shingles (chinese belief means killing the "snake head"), my gecko tattoo on my lower back above my ass....
getting inked on my ankle was fucking 10 times more painful than my gecko (there was no pain when you relax except the shading part, which feels like someone scratching you). When he first outline the cross, i can never imagine the outcome of my pain for next hour. The Feeling of inking my ankle is like drilling my bone without anesthetic jab. The outline, the colouring and the ultimate of all....the BEAUTIFYING part....
ME: (after an hour, almost to tears) Are we done yet *ouch*???
Oliver: Hrrmm....almost... now we need to beautify it.
ME: WTF.... how long?
Oliver: Just a few more minutes
The Beautifying part, if you can see...the white lining in the "anklet"... the pain times 10 of the rest. The white lining is INK on TOP of the existing tattoo.. Just Imagine your open scar has been punch/hit another time....yes... it's tattooed on my fresh tattoo..that few minutes was a misery and hell for me...

The end result.... Here my PERMANENT anklet which is the form of Rosary to remind myself of my religion. (i'm not a Catholic btw) but to remind myself my what Crist has done for us, the pain he has to go through (which 10000 more than me)..

Oliver with Sunny....

His outline..he claim it was bearable pain except the part where it touches his shoulder blade.

End Result...his almighty dragon which represent the year he was born and in the shape of S, his name....Sunny
Designed by Melvin, Sunny's Sister Fiance

After our misery. we manage to smile for our dear Oliver. I would say I love his skills and it was just purrfectly done. No regrets getting ourself inked by him and I will definately recommend him to anyone interested in getting themself ink (if you happen to go down to SG la). Charges will be anonymous cuz we get slightly lower rates cuz its recommended by our buddy Noel. He's one of SG top tattoist and featured in Discovery Travel and Living.

Sacred Needles
Far East PLaza
Scotts Road
Few tips we we learn on tattoing....
1)Sensitive area would be the bony part, underarm, inner thight and calf muscle
2)It's more painful to do on muscle than if you are lean, chances are it would be slightly more painful than doing on the fatty area
3)girls has more tolerance of pain than guys!!!! (is it cuz we have more fats??)
Our first initial plan was to CHECKED out the parlour and ENQUIRE in terms of price and all.... As was about to reach the place, our heart pumping a wee bit faster than usual cuz of the needle drill....
That reminise back my time when i did mine 5-6 years back in SG Wang. I was in the tattoo parlour for freaking 2 hours deciding whether to get myself ink or not....
Back to SG, after talking to to Oliver (our tattooist) we decided to do it on spot...
Oliver at work....
I've been through jellyfish sting, slashes on my upper wrist, getting joss-stick burn on my shingles (chinese belief means killing the "snake head"), my gecko tattoo on my lower back above my ass....
getting inked on my ankle was fucking 10 times more painful than my gecko (there was no pain when you relax except the shading part, which feels like someone scratching you). When he first outline the cross, i can never imagine the outcome of my pain for next hour. The Feeling of inking my ankle is like drilling my bone without anesthetic jab. The outline, the colouring and the ultimate of all....the BEAUTIFYING part....
ME: (after an hour, almost to tears) Are we done yet *ouch*???
Oliver: Hrrmm....almost... now we need to beautify it.
ME: WTF.... how long?
Oliver: Just a few more minutes
The Beautifying part, if you can see...the white lining in the "anklet"... the pain times 10 of the rest. The white lining is INK on TOP of the existing tattoo.. Just Imagine your open scar has been punch/hit another time....yes... it's tattooed on my fresh tattoo..that few minutes was a misery and hell for me...
The end result.... Here my PERMANENT anklet which is the form of Rosary to remind myself of my religion. (i'm not a Catholic btw) but to remind myself my what Crist has done for us, the pain he has to go through (which 10000 more than me)..
Oliver with Sunny....
His outline..he claim it was bearable pain except the part where it touches his shoulder blade.
End Result...his almighty dragon which represent the year he was born and in the shape of S, his name....Sunny
Designed by Melvin, Sunny's Sister Fiance
After our misery. we manage to smile for our dear Oliver. I would say I love his skills and it was just purrfectly done. No regrets getting ourself inked by him and I will definately recommend him to anyone interested in getting themself ink (if you happen to go down to SG la). Charges will be anonymous cuz we get slightly lower rates cuz its recommended by our buddy Noel. He's one of SG top tattoist and featured in Discovery Travel and Living.
Sacred Needles
Far East PLaza
Scotts Road
Few tips we we learn on tattoing....
1)Sensitive area would be the bony part, underarm, inner thight and calf muscle
2)It's more painful to do on muscle than if you are lean, chances are it would be slightly more painful than doing on the fatty area
3)girls has more tolerance of pain than guys!!!! (is it cuz we have more fats??)
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