Angkor What?

My journey to the beautiful Siem Reap town was indescrible. The view of Whole Angkor Wat was breathtaking. I would advise you guys to at least visit this place ONCE in your lifetime.
Beside beautiful weather (*wooottt* I got my TAN) and supposedly be wet season, we were blessed with Calm and sunny weather. Much to my suprises, I thought Angkor Wat is Just A temple in An area, But it spreas over 312 There are lots of temples in the vicinity and its NOT walking Distance. Either hire a van with driver/tuk-tuk or if you want to be adventurous, rent a bicycle.
Besides visiting the beautiful temples and Siem Reap town, somehow this trip did cost me some trials and tribulation to my personal self. Oh well, not gonna elaborate here.... Without further ado, here a few pics of my fantastic trip up in Siem Reap...

Check out the reflection.. This called Bayorn temple in Angkor Thom

The much awaited temple... The Angkor Wat

My favourite part of visiting the temples is to climb the steeeep steps. Trust me, it's DARN STEEP! I had so much fun climbing up and down.... So that proof my interest in Rock CLimbing....anyone?

Guess which movie feature this part pf the temples?

Ooopss.... No I DIN'T Kiss it literally.... that's Apsara, a beautiful goddess which appear almost in every part of the temple. In those days, Apsara is the most beautiful and elegant Goddess to them...
thats it? hahaha.... most of my pictures consist of temples.....temples....temples.... My Slut falling asleep while viewing my pictures in slide form..
We went to Cultural Village which I do advise DON'T BOTHER cuz there's NOTHIN much to do... lucky its part of the tours cuz apparently Local pay USD1, while tourist pay USD15..... ripppp offff!!!!!
Drinking in Siem Reap is dirt CHEAP!!!!! happyhours till 9pm, and Angkor and Anchor draft as cheap as USD0.50. Furthermore, we went and check out classy FCC serving USD1.50 beer... I mean for a hoitey-toitey place like this, beer for $1.50 and wine for $4.70.... isnt that CHEAP???

(Rip it off from here)
Somehow my camera LCD crack!!! *boooohooo* and I guess it's either I'm gona fix it or get a new camera....but but..It's only 1 YEAR!!!! So in that case, I can't take pictures of Tonle Sap... the world 2nd biggest lake.
I cancell my diving trip due to personal reason.... but anyway, I'm STILL interested in PIcking up DIVING PADI OPEN Water Dive sometime after CNY or The monsoon...Anyone??????? plz plzp lz plz plzplz.... I still wanna do SIpadan and Jawa for Sunfish...:P
Labels: travel
At Wednesday, October 25, 2006 2:18:00 PM,
fanny tan said…
great trip!!!
At Wednesday, November 01, 2006 10:19:00 AM,
xes said…
irenehai: climbing every sunday @ summit climbing gym, 2pm! buzz me if u wanna go!
At Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
omg siem reap was beautiful! fcc yum yum! hotel de la paix yum yum too! :D
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