Irenekay rambles......

A girl who needs to be PAMPER with travelling, good food, massage and great parties....and juicy gossips too!!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Irenekay's Winter Collezioni

Yeah....cramming 3 post and long hiatus....*grinz*

DISCLAIMER:Don't bother scrolling down if you are not into fashion. This is MY fashion, MY taste so if you are not at the same par, bug off!!

Been an accessories freak lately, especially those long chunky beads which is soooooo 1950's... usually i'm quite particular bout my accessories, basically my taste is UNIQUE but those Russian inspired really got into my list...check out my latest winter craze...


My personal fav would be that 'blue bola(ball)'.... I've been limiting myself not to indulge with too many of those cuz the season would end pretty soon but I cant help it...... and I luff my chunky silver necklace. One my student ask me, "teacher why your necklace got so many 'things'?"


The black one goes well with most of my necklace so didn't bother shop much of it, can't seems to find a nice looking one....


Got embarass while getting it....but worth it. Really keep my earrings coordinated.
Been on the bronze craze this season...

I'm so Russian inspire this Winter season.....just that we Malaysia summer all the way but it's been a moody and rainy season lately, so I guess the weather have been cooling hence the air-condition at my work place would be I indulge in......

Don't you guys luff the fur!!??? Before Peta comes pouncing and throwing pie on me, it's blardee faux fur. I swear I won't kill a mink for my indulgence. I'm an animal lover so I stick to synthetic (or other word by socialite, cheap) fur. The furthest I'll go is buying cosmetic brushes made outta pony or squirrel's tail. Check HIM out...He's into fur frenzy....

Not forgetting berets (or was it newsboy hat) that goes very well with my fur jacket

Check out my bags collection

2 whole drawer dedicated to my lovely bags..I'm a bag person. I chose bags over shoes. I have bags fetish.
My latest craze would be Balenciaga-inspired Motorcycle Bag

Hobo bag....Hollywood been spotted carrying big hobo bag....

Ok.....long blardee post on my wardrobe....

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